Commit single transaction Procedure
This procedure can be used in APIs or SQL scripts to commit a DML statement, without committing the other transaction the same script.
--This procedure is used to call an specific DML statment -- and you need to commit the DML statment only CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE AUTON_DML (p_dmlstat VARCHAR2) AS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN -- Main transaction suspends here. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_dmlstat; -- Autonomous transaction begins here. COMMIT; -- Autonomous transaction ends here. END; -- Main transaction resumes here. --------------------- How to USE ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---EXECUTE AUTON_DML(q'[UPDATE staging_pm_schedule_table SET NOTE = 'TEST_Variable']'); --OR ---EXECUTE AUTON_DML('UPDATE staging_pm_schedule_table SET NOTE = '''TEST_Variable''''); --*----------========----------========----------========------------*-- --*--========---- Created by: Mohamed El Ghandour :D ----========----*-- --*----------========----------========----------========------------*--